From: Hannah Duncan
To: Cecilia C.
Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:24 AM
Good morning
I have been thinking about our time frame and made a wall-planner yesterday of the rest of this month plus Dec and Jan - I genuinely think we should push the shoot back till the New Year. I just can't see how we're going to be prepared enough to shoot in December when you're away now from Monday till Dec 2nd. In fact, the more I've been thinking and assuming this (that we'll wait till Jan to shoot), the better I've been feeling about things. I think as it's our first time, we should give ourselves as much prep time and preproduction as possible, so that when we shoot we know *exactly* what we're doing, we've got the best people for the job on our crew, and we're not going to be rushed and making mistakes. I also feel that, given more time, and the fact that January is often a much quieter month for people, we'll not only be able to definitely get a better crew together (I think a lot of people just won't be available on the December weekend we'd been thinking of), we could even shoot two shorts, back to back, as I suggested that time - just get everything on film while we have the camera, kit and crew available, then spend a little longer editing. Two shorts are definitely better than one.
I've broken down the schedule/deadlines as such:
By tonight: an ending settled upon (either through emails today or a phone call this evening)
By Friday: I'll get drafts of both scripts to you
Over the weekend: I'll start breaking the scripts down - and, if possible, could we have a face to face catch up before you go away? I'm staying west this weekend - had been thinking of driving back up to town on Saturday evening but could do Sunday morning, so could swing by your place on my way for a cuppa and a chat? What are your weekend plans? Am sure you'll be busy packing etc.
While you're away: I start laying the groundwork - with your permission, start talking to my contacts for advice etc - eg, talking to friend James (the production designer I've worked on shorts with before) about what we're doing, getting his advice, seeing even if he wants to help out, maybe seeing if I can get a couple days shooting with him on one of his next projects (I'll just take holiday from work) so I'm reminded about being on set; talking to my friend who works promoting short films, getting her to read the scripts for her comments, ask her for advice etc. Start sounding out possible people who may want to be involved. I might even drop a line to the guy who was low on my resources list and haven't spoken to in ages, just to see what advice he'd have, kit-wise, and whether we may be able to borrow stuff from them at all.
We need to start assembling a crew - have attached a key people and kit list, and we can try to finalise our crew by the second week of December, once you're back - when we can also try to schedule a weekend or two in January for the shoot dates.
Okay, so what I need from you today is: your blessing to move the shoot dates back; let me know whether we're discussing the endings over email today (do you have lots of meetings?) or whether you want to call tonight; and about possible weekend catch-up. And of course any other thoughts on this/scripts.
Talk soon
H xox
Send Cici a long email this morning explaining that I really think we need to move the shoot dates back, along with kit & crew list, and some alternative endings for Stacked Deck. Eventually hear back from her in the afternoon - apparently the shit is somewhat hitting the fan at her workplace: she's been in a meeting alllll morning and now returned to find a mountain of paperwork on her desk. We schedule a call for 10pm to run through things. Spend my lunchbreak sat in a coffee shop reading the Troma directing book. So so funny. I think Lloyd Kaufman might have entered my pantheon of heroes (along with Roger Corman, Alex Cox and Robert Rodriguez.)
Get home, certainly don't spend over an hour Facebook stalking someone whose last name I don't even know, make dinner, watch an episode of The Mighty Boosh. Can you believe I’ve never seen it? Speak to Cici - despite the fact her phone keeps dying so keeps hanging up mid-conversation, it's a productive call and she's in agreement about moving things back, especially as she's away from Monday until December 2nd. We discuss the new endings: we're both a little unsure but agree to do a redraft of the current version, toning down the violence, and then a new draft with the new ending where Julian fakes an injury. Finish that call and resume my online chat with Dan, who's off to LA in a few days to shoot another Taco Bell commercial. Mmmm taco bell...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
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