Thursday, January 14, 2010

We've posted our casting call. What with all this unpaid work debate going on on Shooting People and so on, was rather worried we would be called out or harassed or just not get any responses but already had a good lot through from and even some from SP. No union harassment yet, thank the stars... Now to sort and arrange auditions. Onwards and upwards, as they say!

No-budget short being shot end of January in west London needs FOUR MALES, EARLY TO MID 20s.

We follow four lads - housemates - going to a costume party as gangsters; on their way to the party they accidentally rob a shop and are then faced with the dilemma of taking the money and running or owning up to what's happened.

We're looking for the four guys:

1 - Alpha male, bit of a bully
2 - Not the brightest spark, thinks he's a tough guy but he's got a soft heart underneath
3 - A little bit of a sheep, not as cool as he thinks he is
4 - The runt of the litter, puts up with being picked on, and the only one with some integrity.

As we're no budget I'm afraid it's expenses and DVD copy only. We're shooting on HD with the intention to submit to festivals.

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